Reading Skills, Sept 16
This workshop aims to help students manage the large amounts of reading required for their graduate level courses by teaching them how to use the four levels of reading as described in the classic How to Read a Book by Van Doren and Adler, namely, elementary, inspectional, analytical, and syntopical reading. By learning how to read at these four levels, students will be able to more effectively and efficiently engage the various sources they use for class assignments like textbook readings, book reviews, reflection papers, and research papers.
When & Where
This workshop meets from 1-2pm in the Rix Family Computer Laboratory, which is on the far right hand side of the Allison Library behind the reference section.
What to Bring
Please bring a laptop if you have one. If you do not have a laptop, library computers are available for use.
To sign up for the session on September 16th, fill out the form below.