Book Retrieval Service Begins July 2

The John Richard Allison Library is pleased to announce the beginning of a book retrieval service for current Regent students, staff, and faculty.
To request books for retrieval, please place holds on books that are available in the library. To place a hold on a book, first ensure you are using "Catalogue" search. Once you have found the book you wish to place a hold on, scroll down to "Check Availability" and you will find the "Place Hold" button there. Click it and follow the instructions. The screenshots below demonstrate the steps towards placing a hold on a book.
Library staff and volunteers will spend Thursday mornings retrieving books and remotely checking them out to students, staff, and faculty. Book retrieval will be available on Thursday afternoons from 1:30 - 3:30 pm at the southeast doors of Regent. You will need to bring photo ID which you will show library staff and/or volunteers through the atrium's glass windows. Once your identity has been confirmed you will be given your requested books.
The fine print
Please note that in order to avoid excessive book request demand any patron who is not a current Regent student, staff, or faculty will not have their hold request fulfilled. Noon on Thursdays is the cutoff time to request a book; all requests placed after noon on Thursdays will only be fulfilled the following Thursday. Please also note that the book return bin opens July 6 (we are asking that the July 6 - 12 period be reserved for patrons leaving Vancouver; everyone can begin returning books July 13). The 40 item limit is still in effect; if you are at your item limit you will need to return books before taking out new ones.