Book Retrieval Service

Current Regent students, staff, and faculty and external patrons with an active account may now request to retrieve books from the library.
To do so, please place holds on available books. To place a hold on a book, search in Discovery or Catalogue, click an item, scroll down to "check availability," and click the "place hold" button (follow the instructions).
Library staff and volunteers will spend Tuesday and Thursday mornings retrieving books and remotely checking them out to students, staff, faculty, and external patrons. The cutoff time to request a book is on Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon; requests placed after this time will be filled the following Tuesday or Thursday. Books ordered for retrieval will be available on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1:30-3:30 pm at the southwest doors of Regent. Please bring photo ID to show library staff and/or volunteers through the atrium's glass windows.
Please note, the 40 book limit is still in effect for Regent patrons; we have now limited external patrons to ten items out at a time.
To watch a video tutorial on how curbside pickup works, click here.