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List of Databases and Indexes

British Library 19th Century Collection (under maintenance)

With more than 65,000 works and over twenty-five million page images, scanned in full colour, this collection includes covers, fly-leaves, printers pages etc. The range of subject matter is broad and stretches across topics as diverse as science, literature, politics, travel, art, history, religion, fiction and music.

Database of Religious History

The Database of Religious History is the world’s first comprehensive online quantitative and qualitative encyclopedia of religious cultural history.

EBSCO Databases

The EBSCOhost service provides access to citations, abstracts, and some full-text resources from several significant databases. The following databases are available through EBSCOhost:

Atla Religion Database with Atla SerialsPLUS

Atla Religion Database with Atla SerialsPLUS provides coverage of the whole field of religion and theology and offers indexing by subject and Scripture reference. It contains full-text content from more than 500 journals in many diverse areas of religion and theology, with full-text content in more than 20 languages from over 35 different countries. Coverage areas include sacred texts, world religions (including Christianity, Judaism, and Catholicism), interfaith dialogue, contextual and systematic theology, religious studies, denominational history, missions and ecumenism, pastoral ministry, archaeology and antiquities, human culture and society, philosophy, and ethics.   ​

Christian Periodical Index

Prominent subjects in the journals covered by CPI include religion, theology, biblical studies, and pastoral theology, though it also indexes journals related to Christianity and science, literature, medicine, history, and other topics. This index includes more than 160 titles, as well as bibliographic data (without full-text) for over 400,000 records. 

Old Testament and New Testament Abstracts (OTA & NTA)

OTA and NTA are the major English-language indices to journal articles and books on biblical topics. OTA  and NTA each indexes 500 journals as well as many subject-specific books. Records include bibliographic data as well as paragraph-length summaries of the journal articles and books they index.

Oxford Handbooks Online

Oxford Handbooks Online is an outstanding collection of the best Handbooks across many different subject areas. One of the most prestigious and successful strands of Oxford’s scholarly publishing, the Handbook series contains in-depth, high-level articles by scholars at the top of their field.

ProQuest Religion Database

ProQuest Religion Database provides a wide range of primarily full-text, international journals for diverse religious and spiritual studies, covering formal theological studies of major religions, as well as the most recent trends and scholarly thought. ProQuest contains more than 200 full-text journals, over 150 of which have ongoing full-text. While there is some overlap with EBSCO databases, you will also find unique search results here. 

Regent Graduate Database

Regent graduates are eligible for free access to the Atla Serials religion collection. This provides access to more than 300 major religion and theology journals and contains almost 600,000 full-text articles. 

You can retrieve the username and password (updated July 2024) with your Regent Login. Graduates without a Regent Login can visit the Library Circulation Desk, or email [email protected]. Please provide your full name—first, middle, and last—and the year you graduated.

Theological Research Exchange Network

TREN, the Theological Research Exchange Network, provides access to almost 25,000 theses and dissertations from 145 North American institutions. Many of these documents are available for free, full-text download. 

World Christian Encyclopedia Online

This is the online version of the 3rd edition of the World Christian Encyclopedia, which documents the changing status of World Christianity over the past 120 years from historical and social scientific perspectives.