COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Updates

Due to the March 17, 2020 declaration of a public health emergency in the Province of BC due to COVID-19, Regent's Response Team determined that it is best to close the Regent College building, including the Allison Library, until further notice. The library's closure will take effect at 5pm on March 18, 2020.
Books currently checked out cannot be returned until the building opens again, and will not accrue fines in the meantime.
We continue to be here to support you. There are many digital books and journals available to support your research. We have consolidated information on accessing online materials here, and we encourage you to revisit often. Library staff continue to work hard to expand your access to online materials and new resources will be added throughout the coming weeks. If you would like help with research, click here to book a 30-minute Zoom appointment with a library staff member, offered Monday through Friday from 10-11am and 1-2pm.
The Writing Centre will continue to operate, but will do so online. Students should sign up here, as usual. A tutor will be in touch to arrange a digital meeting.
Regent College's response to COVID-19 will be updated here. Questions about the College's response should be directed to president@regent-college.