Online Resources

We know many students are joining us from around the world and are not able to physically access the library. However, there are many ways to access resources remotely both through Regent's library and UBC. This guide outlines what online resources are available to you, including journal articles, book reviews, and e-books through EBSCO Discovery searches from our homepage, as well as databases, indexes, electronic journals, research guides, and UBC's online resources. Check back for regular updates and additions to this guide, and do not hestitate to contact a library staff member for help ([email protected])!
One of the easiest ways to start finding online resources in the Allison Library is by searching as usual in the discovery system from the homepage, and then limiting your search to journal articles, book reviews, and eBooks by scrolling to the "Limit to Source Type" options on the left-hand side of your screen, and then checking off the sources you'd like to see. Please note that eBooks are at the bottom of this list, so you will have to click 'show more' to check that off.
If you'd like more tips about using the discovery system, check out our video tutorial.
Another way to find online sources in the Allison Library is by searching our many databases and indexes. Click here to access the Bibliography of British and Irish History, Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology, EBSCO databases, and ProQuest Religion database. Search directly within ProQuest here.
Regent students also have access to ProQuest Ebook Central, a great source for online reading.
Other popular databases available to Regent students through UBC are:
JSTOR: digital library of journal articles, ebooks, and primary sources
Project MUSE: scholarly books and journals related to humanities and social sciences
The Allison Library also offers access to many e-journals. Click here for an alphabetized list, which is also searchable.
For help finding subject-specific sources, check out our research guides. Though some sources in these guides are physical books, there are also many online sources listed that you may not be aware of.
Aside from the Allison Library and the UBC library, there are many free, online platforms that can help you find articles, ebooks, and websites. Some examples are listed below. As always, use your discretion when using resources available online.
Digital Libraries
Art in the Christian Tradition: a database of over 6,000 images related to Christianity and Scripture from the 1st century A.D. to the present.
Atla Digital Library: over 100,000 theological resources available online.
Digital Bodleian: various collections from the Bodleian Library at Oxford University available online.
Digital Public Library of America: the DPLA offers more than 6,500 free ebooks, several online exhibitions, and more.
Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons (GEMMS): an open-access, searchable, online bibliographic database of early modern sermon manuscripts from the British Isles and North America.
Getty Publications Virtual Library: more than 300 art books can be read and downloaded for free, including some out of print.
HathiTrust Digital Library: access digitized content from various sources like Google and the Internet Archive.
Hill Museum and Manuscript Library: HMML's extensive online collection includes access to more than 11,000 printed books and hundreds of manuscripts, including Biblical studies, Reformation texts, and The Saint John's Bible.
Huntington Digital Library: the Huntington offers access to manuscripts, maps, photographs, and more.
NYPL Digital Research Books Beta: the NYPL offers digital versions of books from various platforms, providing a way to search easily from one place.
OAPEN: collection of open access humanities and social sciences books.
Post-Reformation Digital Library: an extensive database of digital books relating to theology and philosophy from the late 15th-18th centuries.
RedShelf: digital library of ebooks.
Sounding Spirit Digital Library: this pilot digital library features songbooks and hymnals published across the southern United States from 1850 to 1925.
The British Library’s EThOS E-theses Online Service: provides free access to doctoral theses (with registration).
The Internet Archive: non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
Curated Lists of Online Resources
African Theology Worldwide: an online platform for African Christian Theology containing a collaborative bibliography, bibliographical encyclopedia articles, a research portal, and other supporting materials.
Atla LibGuides: The Atla Websites on Religion LibGuide is a growing, selective, annotated collection of web resources for the study of religion.
Digital Theological Library: curated list of databases used for research on religion.
Nonconformist and Dissenting Women's Studies, 1650-1850: an online anthology of biographical summaries and writings of Nonconformist women writers, created by by Dr. Timothy Whelan.
Resource Pages for Biblical Studies: focuses on the early Christian writings and their social world, with many links to texts, electronically published scholarly work, and more, from Prof. Torrey Seland.
SMU's Free Resource List: SMU has created a list of search tools, ancient and classic contexts, biblical studies, church history, Methodism, preaching & worship, and religion & theology.
Tyndale's Reading Rooms: online resources for biblical studies, missional church, spiritual formation, theology, Christian ethics, and history of Christianity.
History, Spirituality, Theology Resources
Christian Church History Timeline: an Atla LibGuide that allows you to journey along the axis provided and explore content pertaining to each area of the history of the church.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library: digital library of hundreds of classic Christian books.
St. Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology: a free-to-access encyclopaedia that incorporates intellectual content from all major religious traditions, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism.
The Universal Short Title Catalogue: an open access bibliography of early modern print culture. The USTC allows you to search all books published between 1460-1650 in many countries, including England, France, and Italy.
Biblical Studies Resources
Bible Commentaries Google Custom Search: Oral Roberts University Library has created a custom Google search for all open access Bible commentaries available online.
Bible Hub: various Bible tools on a user-friendly website.
Bible Hub Interlinear Bible: a Greek and Hebrew interlinear.
Bible Odyssey: a project of the Society of Biblical Literature that hosts more than three hundred articles, dozens of videos by scholars, and more. a digital repository with over 40,000 articles freely available to download.
Biblical Studies Online: maintained by James Crossley and Deane Galbraith, with hundreds of videos of scholarly lectures and other resources.
BibleWeb Reader: Greek and Hebrew Reader’s Bible.
Blue Letter Bible: online Bible with various search functions.
Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft: academic Bible texts online, including the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, Novum Testamentum Graece (ed. Nestle-Aland), 28. Edition, Septuagint (ed. Rahlfs/Hanhart), and Vulgate (ed. Weber/Gryson).
Historical Commentaries on CCEL: Evangel University Library has curated a search of historical commentaries offered on CCEL.
Internet Sources on the Bible: Johnson University has created a list of sites, commentaries, texts, dictionaries, and other resources for Biblical Studies.
J. David Stark: free index and links to all online, public domain volumes of the International Critical Commentary, a series that addresses how to gain access to research material online for free, & posts that specifically address individual online resources
Ligonier Ministries: the online arm of R. C. Sproul’s ministry.
Mohr Siebeck: free access to select journal content and the WUNT II series.
NET Bible:'s study tools.
NT Gateway: directory of academic internet resources on the New Testament, hosted by Logos Bible Software and edited by Mark Goodacre.
N. T. Wright Page: articles by N. T. Wright.
Open Access Bible Commentaries (Google Custom Search): open access commentaries that can be accessed online.
StepBible: biblical study tools founded and supported by Tyndale House from 2009-2021.
TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism: an open access online journal.
The Greek New Testament, SBL Edition (edited by Michael W. Holmes): SBL in association with Logos Bible Software offers a new, critically edited Greek New Testament in electronic and print formats.
The Text This Week: lectionary-oriented compilation of sermons, exegetical articles, art, hymns, and more from Jenee Woodard.
Tyndale House Cambridge Online Resources: Greek and Hebrew fonts and keyboards, several sites and sources for biblical studies and theology, bibliography databases and catalogs for online reading, commercial and free Bible software, lexicons, and Bible translations.
Virtual Manuscript Rooms: images, transcriptions and other material about New Testament manuscripts like NTVMR, CSNTM, Editio Critica Maior, Vetus Latina.
Regent students also have access to all digital resources available through the UBC library through their Campus-Wide Login (CWL). Here is more information on CWL accounts, including how to set one up. Here is an overview of UBC's resources and how to use them.
Some online resources used most often by Regent students are:
JSTOR: digital library of journal articles, ebooks, and primary sources
Project MUSE: scholarly books and journals related to humanities and social sciences
You can also import search terms from a search in the Allison Library's Discovery to UBC by clicking 'Search UBC Library' under "Expand your Search" on the right-hand side of your screen. Remember, only search terms will be imported, not limiters that you may have added.
If you are struggling to find what you need, please contact the library either via email ([email protected]) or phone (604-221-3340). We are always here to help! Please stay tuned for more information about recently added ebooks.