Rare Book Displays and Events

There are so many things to see and do in the Allison Library, especially in regards to our rare book collections.
Seminars and Conferences
The Library hosts Rare Book Talks with Regent College Professors on one of our featured books with a chance to view the text up close and ask questions. Our last Talk featured Dr. Bruce Hindmarsh discussing rare editions of John Newton's work and his latest book, Amazing Grace: The Life of John Newton and the Surprising Story Behind his Song.
In 2018, the Library welcomed scholars, students, pastors, and community members to a Conference on the Puritans called, "Uncommon Devotion: Reflections on Puritan Texts." Click here to see a photo album of highlights.
You can also see and read about some of Dr. J. I. Packer's rare books in our first online exhibition.