Borrowing beyond the Allison Library

Regent students have access to the resources offered at the UBC network of libraries. If the Allison Library does not have the resources you need for your research, you are encouraged to borrow them through either the Micallef library at St. Mark’s College, the MacMillan library at VST, or any of the UBC libraries. Regent students have borrowing privileges at all of these libraries but, for St. Mark's and VST, must first request a library card by going to the associated library Circulation Desk and filling out the proper documentation. For UBC libraries, your UBC card will double as your library card. You can obtain a UBC card on campus at the UBC bookstore.
If an item is not available at any of these libraries, Regent students may opt to request an item by interlibrary loan through the UBC InterLibrary loan system. These requests are free for Regent College students, faculty, and staff with a valid UBC card. You can submit your request for an interlibrary loan online through the UBC library website. You cannot have a loan request fulfilled if the item is available on campus at any of the above listed libraries. That being said, it is in your best interest to first check all the library catalogues. The time it takes to fulfill the request will vary, ranging from approximately three days to two weeks. You will be notified by email so it is important that you give your email address when you fill out the online ILL request form. Material is on loan to you for two weeks from the date UBC received the item. Unfortunately, they cannot be renewed. Students can reorder, but subsequent requests for the same material cost a minimum of $30 per request.
Items can be picked up at either the Koerner Library or Woodward Library circulation desks. Materials must be returned IN PERSON to the location where you picked them up. You will hand materials directly to a library staff member. Fines and suspensions apply to overdue material. Items that are lost by the borrower must be replaced at the borrower’s expense.
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Regent students and faculty with a valid UBC card may borrow items from many other libraries in Canada through the COPPUL agreement. In order to take advantage of this reciprocal borrowing, students and faculty should obtain a COPPUL card at the circulation desk at Koerner Library. Present your UBC card and a government issued photo ID to obtain your COPPUL card.
Regent students also have borrowing privileges at the Norma Marion Library at TWU in Langley, BC. Students will be asked to present proof of current student enrollment in order to receive a library membership.
The Allison Library participates in the Atla Reciprocal Borrowing Program. Participating libraries agree to grant check-out privileges to each other’s patrons. As a Participant Plus member, The Allison Library is now also available to Global Collaborators and Borrowing Only institutions, which includes a growing list of international participants. In order to find a participating library, browse the list or refer to the map here.
Students from other institutions listed on the map can present proof of their current enrollment at the Allison Library Circulation Desk to receive a free membership by having their school's registration department contact the circulation coordinator ([email protected]). Membership privileges will be extended according to the library policy for External students. Regent students who are studying away from Regent and wish to borrow from the schools listed on the Atla Reciprocal Borrowing Program map may also present proof of current enrollment and receive borrowing privileges that are in accordance with the lending library’s loan policies. All patrons are responsible for adhering to the lending library policy and returning materials in a timely fashion.
Further information on the Reciprocal Borrowing process can be found here.