Library Spaces

The Allison Library uses the Library of Congress Classification System to organize our collections. The Library of Congress system arranges subjects according to twenty-one branches of knowledge beginning from A and ending at Z. The majority of the Allison Library collection is in the B section, which is also broken down into smaller sections.
Each item is assigned a call number, which appears on the spine of the item, written vertically, designating both its subject and its place on the shelf. Call numbers have at least three parts: e.g. BR759 .B76 2010.
First – one or two letters for the broad subject area and its subdivision: e.g. BR759 .B76 2010.
Second – numbers which subdivide the general subject: e.g. BR759 .B76 2010.
Third – a letter and a number combination representing the author of the item: e.g. BR759 .B76 2010.
It is important to note that the numbers in this section should be considered decimals and therefore B755 would indicate more precision (.755<.76) than B76, and come before B76 on the shelf.
Please write down the complete call number listed in the catalogue record in order to find the item on the shelf. For this reason we also add a location code which appears on the spine label. There are several location codes but the most common are JRA (John Richard Allison), RSTC (Regent Stacks), or STACKS which all refer to the part of the collection that is the General Stacks, where items can be checked out. RREF means that the item is located in the Reference section of the library and therefore must be used in the library and cannot be checked out.
See also: Reading Call Numbers.
Group Study Rooms
The library has three study rooms that are intended for quiet group study. These rooms can also be booked for individual use with the understanding that if a group needs access to a study room, the individual should be willing to give up the booking. As in the rest of the library, we ask that no food be consumed and all drinks remain in a container with a screw top lid. Bookings can be made for up to three hours, three weeks in advance and concurrently.
The study rooms are not intended as alternate classroom space or tutorial space since the rooms are not sound proof and one person lecturing or teaching a group does produce higher volume than a small group in quiet study.
To book a study room, please speak to a staff member at the Circulation Desk.
Study Room Details
Study Room 1
This room is intended for quiet group study. If the room is not booked, an individual student may book the room to study; however, the Allison Library may need to cancel the individual's reservation in order to accomodate a group. You will be notified if your reservation is altered in this way. This room has:
- A large Southwest-facing window which allows for natural light
- 8 adjustable swivel chairs
- Chalkboard & chalk
- In winter months, the temperature of the room becomes quite cool. For your comfort, there is a space heater unit attached to the wall by the chalkboard that may be turned on as needed (please do not adjust the settings).
Study Room 2
This room is intended for quiet group study. If the room is not booked, an individual student may book the room to study; however, the Allison Library may need to cancel the individual's reservation in order to accomodate a group. You will be notified if your reservation is altered in this way. This room has:
- 8 adjustable swivel chairs
- Chalkboard & chalk
- In winter months, the temperature of the room becomes quite cool. For your comfort, a portable heater may be booked at the Circulation Desk for an interval of two hours.
Study Room 3
This room is intended for quiet group study. If the room is not booked, an individual student may book the room to study; however, the Allison Library may need to cancel the individual's reservation in order to accomodate a group. You will be notified if your reservation is altered in this way. This room has:
- A skylight which allows for natural light
- 6 chairs
- A whiteboard (note that whiteboard markers are available for loan at the library circulation desk)
- In winter months, the temperature of the room becomes quite cool. For your comfort, a portable heater may be booked at the circulation desk for an interval of two hours.
Computer Lab
The Regent College Student Association (RCSA) maintains six computers and two monitors for use by Regent students, all of which require an RWL (Regent Web Login) account to login. These computers are available for word processing, research, and email. If you have problems logging in, the Circulation Desk staff can assist you. In addition, students having difficulty using their RWL may contact the Regent Help Desk at [email protected].
Online Library Catalogue
Our library catalogue is accessible from our library webpage. In the library there are three computers set to the Allison Library homepage and can be used to search the online catalogue for the Allison Library. Our library catalogue will also provide results about availability of items at other libraries on campus and libraries worldwide.
The computers in the library also provide access to databases. EBSCO includes five databases: Atla Religion Database with Atla Serials, New Testament Abstracts, Old Testament Abstracts, Christian Periodical Index, and Catholic Periodical and Literature Index. Other available databases include: Religious and Theological Abstracts (RTA), Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH), and the Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology.
When searching from home, all databases require a username and password.
Guest Computer
The Allison Library has one computer which can be used to access to the internet, print documents, and do research.
Accordance Bible Software
Accordance Bible Software is available on two computers in the RCSA Computer Lab (located in the Library). Accordance is a Bible Study App that provides fast and powerful search capabilities with numerous resources and tools for advanced academic research in primary texts. It allows you to view English, Greek, and Hebrew Bibles, as well as dictionaries, lexicons, and Greek Jewish Writings. The App also features Greek Classics with English Translations, such as Aristotle's Metaphysics, Politics, and Nicomachean Ethics.
Copier Room
The Allison Library offers photocopying, printing, and scanning services in the Copier Room located beside the Circulation Desk.
The Media section in the Allison Library offers multiple forms of media including microforms, audio and video cassettes, MP3, CDs, and DVDs. A television and DVD/VCR is available near the media section for in-library use. Audio cassette players are also available for patrons.
Microforms, which are miniaturized pages of documents stored on film, are available in either microfilm or microfiche format. A microform reader is available to read these documents as well as to make print copies when needed.
Audio cassette tapes may be listened to on audio cassette players that can be requested at the Circulation Desk for 2-hour loan. CD players are also available for 2-hour loan and can be requested at the Circulation Desk.
DVDs and CDs are available for 2-hour loan. DVDs may be viewed in the library as well as at the television and DVD player located in the media section. Earphones are available for use from the Circulation Desk.
USBs are also available for loan from the Circulation Desk.